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2024 September - Personal Care Bags - Community Service Event at the Education Conference
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM CDT
Category: Community Service Events

       Personal Care Bags for Agate housing services   
at the Educational Conference
Please join our ALAMN Community Service volunteer group on Thursday, September 19th at the 2024 ALAMN Educational Conference in supporting Agate housing + services by helping to assemble our Personal Care-About-You Bags which will be donated to Agate and then disbursed to the people they support. 
Agate housing + services is now one of the largest service providers in Minnesota. Their mission is to break the cycles of generational poverty and homelessness through a continuum of services such as street outreach, temporary shelter and support towards housing stability. (agatemn.org) 

Donations before the conference from any members, their firms, or any of our business partners of the items to fill the bags (or financial donations - $10, $25, $50+) for supplies are much appreciated!

    $500 donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: Jack Duffy from Gallagher - thanks!

    $100 donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: Danielle Grousso from Ivonics - thanks!

We are in need of 250 of: 

*Reusable Bags/Totes - Their community values these for longer term and flexible use.
Generic, Business Logos or Store Brands accepted. (250 of 250 rec'd)    
..25 from Beth Sullivan from Beacon Hill Legal Staffing - thanks!
..50 from Nancy Lewer from Saul Ewing LLP - thanks!
..50 from Matthew Donahue from ABA Retirement Funds - thanks!
..50 from Teresa Reiner from Pranger Law PC - thanks!
..75 from Staff @ Smith Gendler , PA - thanks!
*Handwarmers -  (250 of 250 rec'd) These have already been donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: Karen B. Sher froAffinity Consulting - thanks!
*Gloves -  (250 of 250 rec'd) These have already been donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: David Brown from Robert Half Talent Solutions- thanks!

*Personal Care: This is the bulk of the donation:
Our goal is to have minimum of 250 travel size or single use:

  • Shampoo, especially for textured hair    (250 of 250 rec'd) Already donated by one of our Members: Deb O'Connor  - thanks!    (if we get more, we'll double-up)
  • Bar soap, Soft soap (250 of 250 rec'd) Already donated by one of our Members: Tracy Overson - thanks!    (if we get more, we'll double-up)
  • Toothpaste & toothbrush sets(250 of 250 rec'd) Already donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: Paula Gillitzer from Uptime Legal Systems - thanks!
  • Non-alcohol based mouthwash Donated
  • Deodorant sticks or wipes Donated
  • Razor and shaving cream Donated
  • Combs - (250 of 250 rec'd) Already donated by one of our Awesome Business Partners: Paula Gillitzer from Uptime Legal Systems - thanks!

Optional items to Donate & Open to Ideas (Qty 250 each):

  • Lotions or gum or small tissue packs
  • Cookies, Crackers, protein bars or other non-perishable non-fragile snacks
  • Hand Wipes - some donated by Matthew Donahue from ABA Retirement Funds - thanks!
  • Metro Transit's Marketing Department - has donated 250 single-use bus passes!

Finally, We will have supplies so that we may each personalize the bags we assemble with a small simple note inside.

The packing event will be at the end of the conference day (no sign-up needed)

so stop by and help as you can. Thanks!

      See you at the Conference!      


Contact: Tracy Smith at [email protected] or 612-332-1000